An Open Letter from Paywise

The past few weeks have been a time of reflection and reassessment for Paywise Limited. The sudden termination of our partnership with the National Lottery Control Board (NLCB) agent network earlier this month was an unexpected setback in our quest to provide reliable payment solutions for businesses across Trinidad and Tobago. We know we must now take big, purposeful steps in order to rebuild our platform and regain your trust.

To all of our merchants, whose operations were negatively impacted by the unexpected interruption of the Paywise service, I offer my sincerest apology. You placed your trust in us and we failed to safeguard your businesses against the risk of this unforeseen and very unfortunate development.

Indeed, since the NLCB network agent announcement was first made, I have fielded emails, messages, calls and comments ranging in sentiment from frustration and disappoint to appreciation and encouragement. I read them all and I’m genuinely grateful for your feedback because the concerns expressed and the ideas shared have informed the decisions that are being made to develop a new Paywise that works both for and with you.

From day one, my goal has been to offer a solution that facilitates convenient, cash payments and that core objective has not changed. In fact, I am pleased to report the new Paywise is coming soon!

Over the last few months, our team has been hard at work devising an improved, sustainable solution that will not only facilitate alternative cash payments, but also provide opportunities for businesses like yours to partner with, and profit from, the Paywise platform.

Without revealing too much, I can assure you that it will be a Paywise that is not reliant on the physical or virtual infrastructure of a sole provider…a Paywise that empowers and provides opportunities for its merchants…a Paywise that is even faster, and more user-friendly for both business owners and customers…and, most importantly it will be a Paywise defined by the unmatched customer service, strong reliability, easy accessibility, and solid trust that has been synonymous with our brand from inception.

We are very excited to introduce our new service in the coming weeks. If you aren’t already, I invite you to follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram, and subscribe to our mailing list to receive more information on what Paywise is doing to support your business and your customers.

In the meantime, I want to take this opportunity to say “Thank You” to all of our merchants, as well as their customers. You all had faith in Paywise when an alternative option for cash payments in Trinidad and Tobago was little more than a notion. It is because of your belief in our vision, as well as your own desire to challenge convention, that Paywise was able to break down barriers within the local financial services sector and provide a feasible solution for a prevalent problem faced by many local business owners.

Now, I ask that you maintain that faith in our shared vision moving forward. Rest assured that our services will be reinstated in the very near future and we look forward to once again serving you with the same reliability and trust you have grown accustomed.

Yours Faithfully,

Ian T. Alleyne
Founder, Paywise Limited

20 thoughts on “An Open Letter from Paywise”

  1. I cannot wait 😍😍 Happy to know its in a few weeks its sounds less than months 😂
    Most trusted and reliable.

    1. I am so elated to hear Paywise is returninh,it will be a pleasure to be reinstated with Paywise.
      I will share the good news to my family,friends and my social media networks.Well done to you Ian T. Alleyne.

  2. I am looking foward to this I can’t tell u enough how my business depends on the services of paywise…please please hurry…

  3. This is great news, Paywise is a fantastic solution and service both my customers and I have been in distress since closure. We await your reopening with anticipation and excitement. Best of luck to you Ian, hope it brings you success tenfold.

    1. Thank you so much for the confidence in our service Karen! We’re pleased to learn that Paywise was an effective solution for you and your customers and we’re looking forward to delivering this level of convenience to your business operations very soon!

  4. This is excellent news! I had faith in this service since it was explained at the Prime Minister’s Awards and I know you will find a way around the recent setback. Blessings.

  5. I can only imagine the innovation that is coming!! Looking forward to having you back online again!!

  6. Hi I can’t wait for the return, our online sale are down by 90%. May I humbly suggest the ability for customers to purchase Paywise vouchers at phone card top up point of sale terminals would be nice. Can’t wait for Paywise to back up and running. Paywise is by far the best payment system in Trinidad and Tobago for online business.

  7. Our business is at bay once PayWise is not in operation. We eagerly await their return to the market of Trinidad and Tobago. If you can get the region participating on the platform too, that wound be great. #onecaribbean #borderlesscash

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